Saturday, March 28, 2009


...................I HAVE CUT MY HAIR

This is before.............

Drum Roll..........

More Drum Roll.............

GAHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!

I LOVE IT!!!!!

It took me five months to get to this point. Brant was there through the whole thing in case I cried, which I didn't. I was totally excited. I think it looks great, so does Brant.

Stacey, you helped me do it. You were my inspiration!

I figured it was finally time. I need a new hair style. Especially since I am graduating and entering the workforce as soon as I find a decent job.
When the stylist was done, I looked at the floor. It looked like a dead shi-tzuh. Brant heartily agreed.

So I must say that I am so excited to graduate. I have everything bought or ordered, so that part is out of the way. It cost enough $140! I know I probaly spent more when I graduated from high school, but things seemed less expensive back then. Back then?! What am I saying? I graduated from high school only six years ago! Good grief.

1 comment:

  1. i think it looks great too!! so glad i could help! congrats on graduating!!
