Sunday, April 5, 2009

H.A.S.S. Award Ceremony

It was a Tuesday afternoon, say 2 p.m., and I was sorting the mail. Lo and behold, there was a small envelope for me. It was from my college within the University and apparently, I had been named Student of the Year in Interior Design Sales and Marketing! However, the ceremony was to be held THAT FRIDAY! ACK! I was freaking out, wondering if I could get anyone to come and then noticed that I was supposed to RSVP three days previous to my receiving the invite. I called, the lady at the other end apologized like crazy, then called my mom wondering if she could get off work early, THEN I had to call a girl I work with to see if she would take part of my shift friday so I could go.

Well, then my mom calls back, says she and my dad are taking the day off and coming up! Yay! But wait! I still have to work part of that night! AHH!! So I call up my coworker again and ask her to take the whole shift since my family was coming. She agreed which I am ETERNALLY grateful for.

It was a stressful two days for that. The ceremony was great. They awarded awesome staff, faculty and students. I was amazed at the achievements of some students. For my section of the awards, I was awarded by my department head, Joann Wilson. She is a really neat lady. She wants to entirely revamp my emphasis within the major because she feels it doesn't receive the attention it deserves.
To reiterate for you, this is how it kind of works: During your sophomore year, you're with 50-60 other people doing studio work. Then you have to go through Sophomore review, the most stressful week of your LIFE because what projects you have completed determine whether you get into Design Studio, Design Sales & Marketing or neither. Well, I got Sales and Marketing. I cried and got over it. During your Junior year, you have two design related classes and then all business classes. Lastly, by the time you reach your Senior year, you feel like you practically belong to the Business College because you live in the Business Building. However, they won't claim you and you never see anyone from your department besides the 8 little Seminars throughout each semester. You feel like you have been orphaned or abandoned and you feel like your classes are repetitive and redundant. It sucks. But, this is the good part, Joann wants to meet with me if I'm still around next year to possibly help out! I would love nothing more than to revamp my emphasis. It would be awesome!

Joann and I (with my totally awesome award)

My totally wonderful family who got time off to come up and support me

Needless to say I am excited about this, but I am much more excited about graduating and being done with homework for good. Unless I go crazy and decide to go to Grad school later on...


  1. congrats jessie!! that is sooo awesome. that would be fun to revamp the program! hope you can do it.

  2. Me too! I don't know what I could do but I'm sure we could come up with something.
