Friday, November 12, 2010

Trying to Catch Up....

I've been awful with the blog lately, I know. Since starting at Gossner Foods, I have been flat-out exhausted. I work 4-midnight, like Brant. Working the same shift helps us save on gas and such.
During this time, I worked my tail off to get ready for the HOPE Festival, and working on my Etsy shop.

The HOPE Festival was SO much better this year. First off, I had better crocheted items, picture books (like a catalog) of things I crocheted, my digital cards and diagrams of all the colors I have available. Everything I crochet is made to order. I figure this allows the purchaser to get exactly what they want. Win-win. ANYWAYS. Back to the HOPE Festival. My two neighbors and I were able to get 3 tables together (in a 'U' shape) in a fantastic spot. We got a LOT of traffic. Granted I only made $68 this year, but that's $68 more than last year. My one neighbor and I decided to do a drawing for one custom-crocheted item (one from each of our shops). We had a LOT of entries. It was great. Here are some pictures of our awesome setup:

As I said, it was a LOT of fun. I had 2 custom orders, and a few people bought some things I had already made. It made me feel much better about my crochet style and ability. Since starting work at Gossners, crocheting is my only creative outlet. It really helps me relax and enjoy myself. I can experiment, try out different colors and materials. This makes for a happy Jessie.

My shop is slowly building up sales, which is fine. I'm trying to adjust to my new work schedule, so slow is kinda good. I'm hoping things pick up since Christmas is coming up. I know,

CHRISTMAS is already here! I can't believe it! However, I am super excited. I can't wait to break out the Christmas decor and go wild! I'm already listening to my Mannheim Steamroller Christmas music. It's instrumental, and a lot of it is more traditional Christmas songs, ones that actually focus on Christ. I don't feel bad listening to it before Thanksgiving because the music keeps my frame of mind in the right place. Being thankful for all my Savior has done for me, as well as being grateful for the people I love in my life, for what I have, what I can do, and what i have been able to accomplish. For example, right now I am extremely grateful for my new job. The work isn't always easy, nor enjoyable, but the pay is greatly appreciated. It's definitely not my dream job, but it's taking care of Brant and I as we strive for financial freedom (of a sort) so we can start putting money back for a car (if one of ours should break down *knock on wood*) or a down-payment for a house.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, to me, Christmas = Thanksgiving, right? We aren't robbing one holiday, we're filling it out. Because after all, what is there to be thankful for without Christ?
